Much interest to reconcile and adjust. Equally, there is a whole range of possible additional unexpected shocks that hunters are generally not ready. Hunting also has its own inner characteristics – as a rule, the number of game is almost commonly unknown and also recruitment rate is commonly unknown. Thus, it is always a question of how much game should be shoot, what age and gender should be shoot not to undermine the biological stability of the population, but also the continuity of income from the hunting tourism. There are also problems of damage to agricultural crops, forest cultures, animal vehicle colisions, the problem of zoonoses – all listed events that directly make some form of damage to human society.
There is also question – hunting tourism or not. What this decision brings about on the expense and on the revenue side, bearing in mind that prices are not formed in a logical way, but are the result of a market-driven disorder. Seriously engaging in some kind of activity, as wildlife management, requires the reflection and use of scientific, expert and experiential norms when making decisions and answering questions “what to do with hunting area” or “what to expect from a hunting ground and in what time period”. In these issues, there is a need for consulting on game management and habitat management – a job which primarily requires a high degree of understanding of the situation in which each hunting ground is located in relation to factors that directly and indirectly affect future hunting results.

Wildlife consulting and habitat consulting do assist hunters in decision-making based on objective facts and circumstances, shaping hunting products and services, getting acquainted with hunters market, getting acquainted with all possible obstacles to achieve set goals, assisting in choosing access to hunting tourism market and clear define the time needed for positioning as a destination desirable to hunters. This is actually the toughest step. When one step on that staircase “want”, then there is a need to “know” something to do. We are talking about two directions, one is organization, and the other is the realization of the agreement.
The organization is related to the shaping of products / services / programs, and the search for collaborators and adequate promotion. Realization refers to the staff / individuals who want and can make a difference and deliver programs of organization. The staff must be motivated above all (personal motive and desire for continuous education). Such consulting can be used by forest owners when developing forest management plans and above all when raising new stands – how to reduce the controversy between game and forest management (damage to forest reindeer). Then assisting agricultural producers in the direction of reducing damage to agricultural crops or reducing the damage to livestock by predators. Assistance to local communities, for example, in the problem of deer vehicle collisions from road planning, landscape accommodation, warning signs, sound, light, and other obstacles or warning about wild game approaching. A lot of topics that this professional consulting can cover .